Dropping but one race to their opponents; the University and Freshman track men made a promising debut yesterday afternoon in the relay carnival with M. I. T. at Technology Field.
A spectacular recovery of three-quarters of a lap by R. H. Kobes '26 in the University medley relay race was the feature of the meet. L. L. Robb '25, still stiff from football injuries, got away to a poor start, and when he yielded the baton to Jefferson Fletcher '26 his opponent had a lead of a quarter of a lap. A slight loss of ground by Fletcher was recovered by B. R. Cutcheon '25, but when Kobes took the track the Tech man was still well in the lead. It was not many seconds, however, before the Crimson runner flashed by him, and when Kobes broke the tape there was half a lap of open track between him and his opponent. The time was 6.39 2-5.
Freshmen Lose One-Lap Relay
The Freshmen began the meet by losing the one-lap relay to the Engineers, who ran the short distance in one minute five and two-fifths seconds. Followed the one-lap entry for University entries. But this race came to an untimely end when the fourth Tech runner became so absorbed in cheering his predecessor that he forgot to take the baton from him and carry on. The race was run over, and won by Harvard with a quarter lap lead in 1.03 3-5. A. H. O'Nell '28 starred for the Crimson first-year men in this event.
Hall Runs Exceptionally Well
Another Freshman who showed exceptional merit yesterday was E. B. Hall '28, anchor man on the nine-lap relay team, which also finished half a lap in the lead with a time of 14.34 4-5.
F. P. Kane '26 and E. C. Haggarty '27 fulfilled the expectations of track experts by their excellent showing in the half-mile, which they and their team mates, W. L. Chapin '25 and J. H. Smith '25 won by over a lap in 8.20 2-5.
Lundell Wins by a Yard
The quarter-mile relay was narrowly won for the University by C. G. T. Lundell '27. Bateman of Tech left his Crimson rival half a lap in the rear, when Lundell, Harvard anchor man, snatched the baton, regained the lost territory, and won by a scant yard in 3.38 3-5.
One other race completed the list of Crimson victories: the nine-lap relay, in which W. L. Tibbetts '26, Olympic runner, lapped his opponent, enabling his team to win with a time of 14.05 3-5 despite the excellent showing of Bemis of M. I. T.
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