

The defeat of Representative Blanchard's petition ends for the present the possibility of political meddling with University affairs. Harvard must control its own destiny, and stand or fall as an institution of higher learning according to its own deserts.

The noxious petition accused the University of truckling to business interests to the detriment of its educational standards. The stigma of this accusation lingers. It is either true or untrue. That the legislature has not thought fit to interfere neither proves nor disproves the charges. But Harvard men--both graduates and undergraduates--can not rest upon this noncommittal result. The interests of the University demand that the Alumni assume responsibility for a thorough investigation by the proper authorities to establish the facts.

If it is then found that the charges latest true, then will be the time to suggestion remedies, and the University is fully capable of applying them from within. If the charges are proven false, Harvard will then be armed against future calumniators. But first, the facts must be known.
