

The noble Nordic of Richard Harding Davis fame who tamed wild generals and won beautiful women in the hot Spanish southland has long since passes the sceptre of popular favor to that delicate product of modern novelists: the hero who analyzes and records his "complexes." Yet when this newer type becomes a trifle boring the exaggerated romances of Davis still retain some of their old charm; and when one of his adventurers actually appears on the crowded walls of lower Manhattan the mostest jaded Broadwayite is tempted to look. So with "Tex" O'Reilly.

He has brought back a bit of romantic spice and flavor in a recital of the most thrilling experiences of his life in this week's "Collier". There is a story of a balky uncle with a load of dynamite on his back and explosive bullets zipping all around; another of a colony of lepers threatening to break past his guard and infect a whole city with their dread disease. Amazing recitations they are, truly, but the French peasant ploughing up an unexploded shell probably gets the same thrill in his own back yard.

When it comes to the greatest thrill of his life this long Texan adventurer turns to a Columbia class rush in which his son was taking part! After this one is not surprised when he concludes by saying that if his boy became an "aimless wanderer over and under the world" he would "nail his shoes to the floor". Like others who have sailed toward the horizon for romance and adventure he has ended by finding them in his own land, and even worse--in New York.
