

To a student body still smarting under the conduct of the administration toward Professor George Pierce Baker many of the charges which Mr. Blanchard makes will appear eminently justified. In so far as his efforts are motivated by a genuine desire to keep the ideals of the University above those of a, commercialized America they will react with approval only. But the student body can not commend his procedure. He is fighting an evil--vague, intangible, conjectural--with a far greater evil--concrete, threatening, and ever sinister.

To surrender the University into the prying, meddling hands of an ever changing legislature is in effect what Mr. Blanchard and his associates would accomplish. The fear that a University administration will make itself subservient to big business interests is not one whit as terrifying as the thought that the machinations of logrolling of a typical legislative body can finally be made to control the destinies of Harvard.

Reform, if necessary, must come from within. It must come from an awakening of the spirit of Harvard men present and past. To think of making or unmaking ideals of scholarship and service by investigating committees and legal procedure is puerile. And moreover the danger is not what it is pictured to be. The concentrating of vocational preparation for business in a graduate school devoted to that end is a most effective means of relieving the College of the vocational burden it has partly attempted to bear. More than ever before it can become a true center of the teaching of the humanities. Nor will it require the services of the gentlemen on the hill.
