The journalist-moralist, so infrequent in these days when people who live in glass houses have given up throwing stones, has strutted again into public view. From the days of Poor Richard, it has been the ambition of every editor to be an evangelist: not satisfied with guiding, he wishes to misguide.: In many cases, nevertheless, a humanitarian afterthought has squelched or at least veiled the expression of this instinct.
For once, Collier's Weekly, which has long been suspected of liberal or even reforming intentions has disclosed its hand. Mankind, from the cradle onward, is to be remodeled by a page of inspired precepts, according to the latest issue. Among other duties, man is to "help and protect the weak, the suffering, the young, and the old, and dumb animals"--a notable climax! Who will hereafter revolt, when in his youth he is taught to "respect all who have more wisdom, and to reverence all that is good"?
The reception of this document is bound to be even more amusing. Sunday schools will chant it in uneven chorus; Mencken will burn it with a violent hatesong; abread it will be read, if at all, with infinite self-complacence over the naivete of those Americans, Meanwhile, its authors are likely to wax prosperous in the Chatauquan manner.
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