The United States War Department has announced the transfer of Major Charles D. Daly, who has been talked of as the future Harvard head-coach, from West Point Military Academy to the Harvard R. O. T. C. unit, located on Soldiers Field. Major Daly will probably be asked for aid on the football field next fall, the War Department promises the transfer before that time,--but that the was sent here specifically to join the coaching staff, is denied both by Major Fred W. Moore of the Harvard Athletic. Association and by Colonel W. S. Browning, head of the Harvard Military Unit.
R. O. T. C. Needs More Instructors
In an interview yesterday, Colonel Browning said that he had requested the appointment of Daly to the University R. O. T. C. many months ago, long before the situation of 1925's football coaching problem arose. He gave as his reason the fact that the number of men taking military science courses in the University has been increasing so rapidly that additional instructors have become necessary. Colonel Browning had, asked for Major Daly among others because he felt that Daly, being a Harvard man knowing Harvard traditions, and possessing a remarkable ability to lead men, would be a tremendous asset to the Unit. However, he declared that he had no knowledge of his appointment by the War Department other than that contained in the daily press.
War Department's Statement
Major Moore was skeptical about the announcement of Daly's transfer. He made no statement as to what Daly's position as to the football coaching staff would be if he did come to Cambridge. But that the Athletic Association has expressed some desire for Daly's presence in Cambridge can scarcely be denied after reading the War Department's statement as told by the Associated Press: "Secretary Weeks was asked by the Harvard Athletic Committee to detail Major Daly as assistant to the professor of military science at Harvard but found it impossible to grant the request in the form it was presented. Major Daly is assigned to the 76th Field Artillery at the Presidio, Monterey, California, and will be ordered to Cambridge in time to begin his work there next June."
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