

Baker Comes Within Two Points of Beating Harvard Captain--Team B Freshmen Also Win Matches

The University squash racquets team gained a prohibitive lead in the state league Saturday by defeating B. A. A., its closest rival, 4 to 1. The margin of superiority was so great that Captain Dixon and his teammates have virtually clinched the championship.

The Crimson team now has a record of 14 games won out of 15 played and a four game lead over B. A. A., which retained second place despite its decisive setback.

Baker Presses Dixon Hard

Captain W. P. Dixon '25 remained undefeated by staging a thrilling rally that overwhelmed his opponent, M. P. Baker '22, former University champion, after the B. A. A. player apparently had the match well in hand. Baker was two points away from victory when Dixon started his winning rally.

H. N. Rawlins '27, playing number two for the University, furnished another of the feature matches of the afternoon when he defeated Powers, the Unicorn veteran. After overcoming his opponent's lead, Rawlins pulled the match out of danger and won by a 3 to 2 score.


Team B retained its lead in Class B by downing the Harvard Club by the score of 4 to 1.

The University summary follows: W. P. Dixon '25 defeated M. P. Baker '22, 15-6, 8-15, 15-12, 11-15, 18-16; H. N. Rawlins '27 defeated R. A. Powers '11, 7-15, 15-7, 10-15, 18-17, 15-8; G. D. Debevoise '26 defeated Harold Plympton, 15-13, 15-9, 15-8; E. M. Upjohn '25 defeated T. B. Plympton, 15-7, 15-9, 15-7; W. C. Bowditch defeated A. L. Smith '25, 12-15, 6-15, 15-8, 15-10, 15-6.

The Team B summary: P. M. Lenhart '27 defeated F. G. Boggs 15-4, 17-15, 15-8; L. S. Haskins '26 beat C. F. Eaton 15-9, 17-15, 14-18, 15-10; J. H. Finley Jr. '25 defeated R. M. Blackall 15-9, 15-8, 15-10; H. P. Briggs defeated A. P. Bose '25, 15-10, 15-6, 3-15, 12-15, 15-9; P. R. Pease '26 defeated E. W. Soucy, 15-12, 18-17, 15-12.

The Freshman summary: J. L. Pool '28 defeated R. E. Stewart 15-11, 15-18, 18-15, 15-10; G. T. Francis '28 defeated J. V. Spalding 15-10, 15-10, 10-15, 15-12; E. de S. Melcher '28 defeated Lincoln Alvord 15-8, 15-18, 15-7, 18-15; J. T. Rueter '28 defeated A. R. Spear 15-11, 15-8, 15-10; E. W. Peet '28 won by default.
