The Student Advisory Committee has made arrangements with the College office which makes it possible for advisers to get the grades of their Freshman advisees. In commenting on this step, which is in accord with the policy inaugurated last year, members of the committee expressed the belief that advisers would be in a far better position to help Freshmen prepare for the midyear examinations if they have the November grades as a basis for comment.
The decision to give undergraduate advisers access to the grades of their advisees is based further on the belief that undergraduates can in some measure supplement the work of the faculty adviser. The plan is in the nature of a tentative experiment, and will be pursued in the future only if it is found that a sufficient number of advisers take advantage of the opportunity that it offers to do their work with an increased effectiveness.
The committee has urged strongly that upper-classmen make every effort to see their Freshman advisees early enough before mid-years to help them in preparation for the examinations.
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