

With Hammond, Miller, and Gehrke Out Backfield Is Problem--Fisher Tests Ball-Carrying of Quarterbacks

Saturday's game between Captain Greenough's team and Coach Knox's scrubs, which resulted in a 20 to 0 victory for the University eleven, proved once again the driving power of the offense and the invincibility of the defense that Coach Fisher has already developed. Not one first down did the Crimson players yield, while Greenough, Maher; and Cheek each crosed their opponents' line once and Beals Noked two goals after touchdown.

The odds for next Saturday's game with the University of Virglnia, therefore strongly favor Harvard. Although the Virglnians defeated Hampden Sidney College in their first game last Saturday 13 to 9, they failed to display anything threatening. Outweighed and, until the final period, outplayed, the Virginia team saved itself from defeat only by opening up an serial attack a few minutes before the referee's final whistle blew. They will be outweighed when they come up against the Crimson at the end of the week, and will very likely again resort to the passing game.

The Crimson backfield should find the inexperienced southern line weak for that line has but one veteran player, Darby, an end. Who will play in the Harvard backfield, however, is the question every one is asking. Hammond, Miller, and Gehrke have been out of scrimmage for several days, and no one seems to know when they will return. From Friday and Saturday's scrimmages. Coach Fisher's plan appears to be to shift Cheek from the quarterback berth and make him offensive back with either Samborski or Home and Maher, the last named to do the punting.

Is Fisher Adopting a New System?

The fourth member of the backfield will probably be the veteran quarterback, Spalding, although recent developments lead one to believe that Coach Fisher is breaking away from the inactive field general idea. A three man backfield on the offense has characterized Fisher Coached teams for many years. The theory has been that a quarterback who does not wear himself out carrying the ball is best able to direct the team. The scheme has worked with admirable success but if it were possible to develop a player with this same ability coupled with strong offensive powers, the team would be so much stronger. Hence Coach Fisher is this fall developing two new quarterbacks, who are able ball carriers, Cheek and Zarakov, and for the same reason is using Stafford in place of Spalding a good part of the time. The likelihood of Spalding's starting the game against the University of Virginia, therefore, is by no means certain.


Line Will Probably Remain Intact

The make-up of the line has remained the same for a week, which indicates the probability that it will be the same next Saturday. The line is made up as follows: ends, E. H. Bradford and Chase; tackles, Captain Greenough and Nash; guards, C. H. Bradford and Theopold; center, Adite. Heals and Baldwin are promising substitutes for the outposts. Kilgour and Bohlen of the 1927 team for tackles; Daniell, Locke, Harrison, and Hosgue for guards, and Holder and Gamache for center.
