

The victory of Robert Jones '24 in the National Amateur Golf Championship on Saturday occasioned little surprise in the University. He has always been a brilliant player, one who could be counted upon to finish among the leaders in any tournament which he entered. Experts have long hailed him as the greatest artist among golfers and have predicted that his ultimate coronation would be only a question of time. His performance at Merion did little more than make official a title which he had borne unofficially for several years.

His triumph is all the more gratifying because of its decisiveness. Luck or flukes were not a factor; the outcome was due to nothing but the superb consistency of Jones. Bringing his medal play psychology into match competition, he overcame an old bugaboo and disposed of a formidable group of distinguished players with comparative ease. So consistent was his performance that one of his opponents was able to carry him beyond the thirty-fourth green. Surely a well deserved victory and a popular one. The University is glad to number a crowned head among its graduates, and to wish a long reign to the new champion.
