

Tallies Twice in Ten-Minute Skirmish With the Scrubs--Roper's Team All Set for Amherst Onslaught

Princeton, N. J., September 27.--A ten-minute scrimmage yesterday resulted in the scoring of two touchdowns by team A against the scrubs. The brilliant play displayed by the University today was the result of Head Coach Roper's concentrated efforts for the past week in developing the team's offensive powers. A well-rounded team should take the field in the first game, that against Amherst on October 4.

Over 70 men reported to Head Coach Roper on the first day of football practice, September 15. At the end of the first week's work Keene Fitzpatrick, veteran trainer, expressed himself pleased with the condition of the squad.

On Tuesday, September 24, Captain Stout's men were run through their first scrimmage. The following day Coach Roper divided the squad into two temporary groups, consisting of 25 and 34 men. Since then light scrimmages have been held frequently as well as the everyday kicking practice, usually with Slagle, captain of the 1927 Freshmen, and Weeks, a member of Slagle's team, receiving, and formation and signal drill.

No definite little-up has yet been announced by Coach Roper. Captain Stout and Tilson, both letter men for two years, have been playing the ends on Team A in the scrimmages, and will almost certainly hold down those positions the whole season. The tackles so far have been Gates, a substitute last year, and Baldwin, a star of last year's Freshman combination. As guards Princeton has two lettermen of known repute, Hills and Howard. The center berth is still very uncertain. Three candidates for the pivotal position, McMillan, Bartell, and Forrest, have almost equal chances for the final line-up.

In the backfield, Slagle and Caldwell, a two year letterman, are both fairly sure of positions. Other likely candidates are Sidney Legendre, brother of the Legendre of last year's University; Goldstein, a small but fast ground gainer; Williams, who nearly broke away for a touchdown in the Harvard game last year; Dignan and Gibson, both from the squad a year ago; and Weekes, a 1927 man, who made three touchdowns in scrimmage last Tuesday.


Several Capable Substitutes

Of the University substitutes for line positions, Drews, a letterman, and Shakleford, are ends; Rosengarten and Beattle, a backfield man last year, are tackle candidates; and Crage, England and Davis are guards
