

Three times Madame Bigot Pemjean of Paris had Premier Herriot at her mercy, but she never shot. "He looked too nice", she said, surrendering her revolver to the police. Apparently there is not only honor among thieves, but sentiment among assassins. If other murderers follow the Paris fashion in this matter? their profession will be immediately raised in the public esteem.

And the economy! Scores of secret service men will be unnecessary. What need of protection for that nice looking Edward Albert from England? "My looks are my defense", can be his motto. If Mr. Davis is elected President, no need then for a secret service guard. His personal experience will clothe him safer than any linked mail. Even the open season on Follies' Queens may end. Who can tell? Tact, if nothing else, forbids a guess.

Once the immunity of nice looking men from murder becomes known, action will not be long delayed. Advertisements will appear in papers--"Wanted policemen. No redheads need apply". Banks will scour the country for nice looking messengers. Mexicans will choose nice looking hombres for presidents and bandit leaders. In fact all collar models will be at a premium, but as for the rest, Heaven help the hideous.
