


Spurred to action by the formation of the La Follette-Wheeler Club, the Harvard Democratic Club has entered the fall political campaign with an appeal to the Progressives to help defeat Coolidge.

The Executive Committee, in a letter to the acting chairman of the La Follette-Wheeler Club, points out the need of an honest, stable, and efficient administration, and invites the Progressives of the University to help elect a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress.

The letter follows:

"Mr. G. E. Brown, Acting Chairman, Harvard La Follette-Wheeler Club, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

"My dear Mr. Brown:


"It is with great interest that we, the executive committee of the Harvard Democratic Club, note the formation of a La Follette-Wheeler Club at Harvard. Any organization which tends to arouse the student interest in politics is to be commended, particularly at this time when a great political party, notwithstanding the conclusive demonstration during its present term in office of its unwillingness or inability to cope with unprecedented corruption in high places, is demanding the continued endorsement of American voters.

Davis True Progressive

"It seems fitting at this time, however, to call attention to the fact that protest against the continuance in power of the present administration, with its record of weakness and vice, is made most effective by a united support of the Democratic national ticket. Mr. Davis is a true progressive and a man of signal ability. His record is clean and honest, as is the record of his party. There is no cause for any progressive man who desires a government of honesty at home and honor abroad to vote for an independent candidate with a hastily formed and politically irresponsible party so long as John W. Davis stands four-square for these policies with the backing of a party which believes today, as it has in the past, that public office is not a private graft but a public trust.

"With all good wishes, very truly yours.

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