

Trials for Artists on Many Instruments Begin Monday--Vocal Unit Added to Old Banjo and Mandolin Clubs

The Harvard Instrumental Clubs, with a new group for vocal performers, added to the old banjo and mandolin units will enter on its 38th season with trials for new members early next-week.

All men wishing to become members, of the Harvard Instrumental clubs will have opportunities for individual tryouts on Monday and Tuesday of next week in the Music Building at 6.30 P. M. Men playing any of the following variety of instruments will be welcomed at the trials: mandolin, tenor banjo, saxophone, mandola, violin, clarinet, guitar, cello, piano, banjo, flute, and traps. Any man in any department of the University is eligible for these trials.

New Addition to Clubs

Beside the two units of the Clubs. The Banjo Club, and The Mandolin Club, there will be added this year a vocal unit, which will be under the su- pervision of B. S. Cogan '23. Most of the members of the vocal unit have already been selected and are now being coached by Mr. Cogan, but all candidates dates wishing to try out for that unit will have a trial at some date in the future. Mr. William Rice has again been secured as coach for the mandolin and banjo units.

All candidates are permanently retained after six months trial, but until six months of faithful attendance have elapsed they are classed as candidates and not as members. Elected members must be players of ability who have been faithful in attendance for one year. Rehearsals take place twice a week in the Music Building.


First Rehearsal October 2nd

The first rehearsal of the Instrumental Clubs will be held on October 2nd. This date was set in order that the members of the clubs might have a full month of training before the annual Princeton concert, which will take place the night before the Princeton game. The Yale concert will be given at New Haven and will consist of a week-end trip including the game and the dances the night before the game.

Many Trips Planned

An unusually large number of over-night trips to nearby cities have been scheduled for the 1924-25 season. Such cities as New York, New Bedford, Fall River, Providence, Worcester, Lowell, and Northampton are included, and, in addition, arrangements are being completed for a Southern trip to be taken during the Eastern recess. A striking feature of this year's season is that all graduates or others interested may obtain the services of the Instrumental Clubs for a concert in their home town or city.

Entering 38th Season

The Harvard Banjo Club was founded in 1886, the Mandlin Club in 1887, but the organizations have since been combined under the title of the Harvard Instrumental Clubs. The officers of the Clubs for 1924-25 are:

Donald C. Gates '26, President; G. Emerson Smith '26, Secretary-Treasurer; George B. Moynahan '26, Banjo Club Leader; George F. O'Donnell '25, Mandolin Club Leader; H. S. Weber '26, Manager
