A refurbished and reorganized Memorial Hall dining room will be thrown open to the students of the University today. From now on the big college dining hall will be very different from the Memorial Hall of the past 50 years.
Due to competition of the outside eating places around Harvard Square, patronage at the college dining hall has been falling off to a large extent of late. In an effort to counteract this, Comptroller F. S. Mead, '87, has made many changes in the service, and from now on it is expected that Memorial Hall will prove a formidable rival of the Harvard Square restaurants.
White waitresses are to replace the former negro waiters. White table cloths will be introduced again for the first time in many years. Comfortable arm chairs will replace the old stony and stiff backed chairs. And, as the greatest innovation of all, Memorial Hall will be open to women with escorts for the first time in its half century of existence.
The change which is expected to give the new Memorial its greatest attraction is that which enables students to procure single meals instead of being forced to sign for board, by the entire week as in former years.