Dummy scrimmage was the only new thing inaugurated in yesterday's football practice. As has been the case for over a week Captain Greenough's men and the scrubs were put through the usual drill on the fundamentals of the game. Again in the middle of the afternoon the University squad left the Stadium to engage in dummy tackling.
The fact that the second team has had dummy scrimmage for several days makes it seem likely that it will have a real scrimmage either today or tomorrow, followed one day later by a University squad scrimmage. With but a week and a half to prepare for the first game with the University of Virginia Coach Fisher and his staff of assistants, cannot much longer confine their efforts to the teaching of fundamentals.
Individual Instruction Still Rule
No provisional line-up has yet been divulged from the secret confinement of the Stadium. The coaches are confining their attention almost wholly to individual instruction. This method will develop a more thorough background than Harvard players have perhaps ever had.
The end of the week should disclose who the two ends will be. It seems almost a certainty that Holder, a first-string end of the 1922 Crimson team, which held the Tiger to a tie and defeated Malcolm Aldrich's eleven in the Bowl 10-3, must fill one of the end positions. The other end of the line is not so certain--with Robb, Beals, Dean and Hitch the most promising contenders.