

Farrell and Mikkola Back From Europe to Start Work With University Cross-Country and Track Squads

Two ex-Olympic track coaches who are to direct Harvard's track destinies this year will set a high standard for the Crimson athletes when the cross country season starts this afternoon, and the fall track season gets under way on Wednesday.

E. J. Farrell, who is taking on the duties of head coach of Harvard track for the second season, went to Paris with the American Olympic team this summer in the capacity of broad jump coach, and Jaccho Mikkola, who is to return to Harvard this fall after a year's absence to act as Farrell's assistant, was the head coach of the Finnish Olympic team, which placed a close second to the American winners at Paris last July.

Cross Country Today, Track Wednesday

Cross country candidates will report at the locker building at 3 o'clock this afternoon for both the university and freshman cross country teams. They will probably start off the season's activities with a light jog around the river basin.

Track candidates will meet in the locker building on Wednesday at the same hour. Short talks will be given by Coaches Farrell and Mikkola, and by H. P. Dunker '25, newly elected track captain.


The fall track season is to be run in conjunction with the cross country season. Coach Farrell declares that he will have all his track men in the distance and middle distance groups report with the cross country squad and do some long distance running over the river course and the hill and dale course in Belmont. But at the same time, regular practice will be held on Soldiers Field for all field event men, sprinters, and hurdlers. The end of the season will come with the fall handicap track meet early in November.
