

Informal Meeting in Smith Halls Common Room Will Hear Dean Greenough and R. K. Kane Tonight

Two meetings for members of the class of 1928 and other new students form today's part of the program inaugurated this year to help newcomers adjust themselves to academic life prior to the formal opening of college. At 10 o'clock this morning the first-year men will assemble in the New Lecture Hall to hear members of the Faculty discuss methods of work at the University, and at 7.30 in the evening an informal gathering in Smith Halls Common Room will be addressed by officers of the college.

In addition to these meetings, a number of the Freshman Advisers will continue to hold office hours at which new students may consult with them more fully than will be possible at the regular conference on Tuesday, September 23. The list of advisers and the place where they may be found is printed in another column.

Reception at Union Tomorrow

The new program will conclude tomorrow with two events, the special service for new students in Appleton Chapel at 11 o'clock, and the reception to the Freshman class by the Dean and Mrs. Greenough at 4 o'clock in the afternoon in the Living Room of the Union. At this meeting, all-the proctors in the Freshman dormitories will be present and will act as ushers.

"How to Find Your Way Around in a Big Lecture Course" will be the subject of a talk by Professor R. B. Merriman '96 at the meeting this morning. Professor Merriman is in charge of History 1, the biggest lecture course in the University. Dr. K. B. Murdock '16, secretary of the Council of the Harvard College library will speak on "How to Use the College Library", and Assistant Professor J. B. Conant '13 of the Department of Chemistry will discuss "Why, and How We Study Science in College".


The program for the evening meeting includes talks by Dean Greenough and R. K. Kane '22, head proctor in Gore Hall, and captain of the University football team in 1922.
