

The opening of College each year sees a new group of experiments planted, the great majority of which never blossom but wither and die before the succeeding Fall rolls around Some few annually mature and become with time lusty and revered institutions of the University.

An experiment which bids well to be of the latter, scarcer class, one destined to live and flourish in Harvard, is the newly reorganized Student Council, Reduced in size by one-half, its manner of election radically changed, it retains scarcely a vestige of resemblance to the Councils of forme3r years. There is hope it retains none of their sluggish in activity.

Last-year's Council, strangely different from its ancestors, proved, however, one hard fact well worth remembering this year. That fact is just this: no matter how well or how badly adopted to the task the organization of a body or committee may be, the amount it will accomplish will be in direct proportion to the quantity of initiative, leadership, and willingness to work exhibited by the members composing the body. Although hampered as had been it predecessors by archaic organization and unwieldy membership, nevertheless last year's Council because of the character of a few of its members, loft behind a series of accomplishments unequalled for years past.

The moral is simple. The proper size and organization of a council, although helpful are but a small part after all. Whether the now body muddles along like its average forebears, or whether it blazes a same and prominence for itself through vigorous action, all rests with the spirit to the shown by its members. If in that important category the Council of this year and succeeding years can duplicate last year's body, with its new superior organization it will soon he, what the Student Council should always have been, Harvard greatest, under graduate Institution.
