
Advertisers Compete for Bok Award

Advertisements and plans for the first advertising competition to be held under the jurisdiction of the University Business School, must be submitted before Friday, October 10, according to an announcement made recently by officials of the Business School. In September of last year. Edward W. Bok presented a fund to the University with a view to stimulating interest and improvement in advertising work. This will be the first of annual awards to be made from this gift.

All advertisements published between October 1, 1923, and October 1, 1924, in American and Canadian newspapers and periodicals, will be eligible for the award, which will be made in three parts. A gold medal will be given to that individual whom the jury believes to have done most to raise the standards of advertising. A second group of three awards carrying prizes of $1500 each, will go to the best campaigns and researches of the year that are connected with advertising. A third group of three prizes, worth $1000 each will be given for the best individual advertisements.


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