

Senior Class Day Committee Gives List and Proposes Places in Case of Rain--Eleven Spreads to be in Yard

The list of places for the various Spreads to be held on Tuesday evening, June 17, has been announced by the Senior Class Day Committee. It is necessary that men in charge of the spread notify the committee as to the number of chairs required, and also concerning the name of the caterer and the number of his assistants, so that tickets may be supplied them. These may be bought at 50 cents apiece if in quantities of 100 or more.

The places for the spreads and a provisional location in case of rain follow: Kappa Sigma, rear of Hollis Hall or Harvard 3, Kex Club, rear of Holworthy Hall of Sever 13 and 19: Phi Kappa Epsilon, rear (south) of Matthews Hall or Sever 23; Phillips Brooks House; rear of Phillips Brooks House; Pl Eta Club, Gymnasium; S. A. E. Club, rear (north) of Matthews Hall or Harvard 2; Speakers Club, Wadsworth Lawn or Sever 1, 2, 5, and 6; St. Paul Catholic Club, rear of Holden Chapel or Holden Chapel; Private Spread (H. T. Holland), west of Fogg Museum or Sever 7 and 8; Private Spread (W. M. Rozenbaum), Harvard 6; Private Spread (R. C. Rothenberg), east of Fogg Museum or Sever 17.
