

Leave for New London This Evening--Men at Red Top Take Exams or Study Every Morning and Afternoon

New London, June 2, 1924.--The work of the University crews which began on the Thames today reminded oarsmen of the week of training on the Schuylkill in Philadelphia during the spring recess. The first day at Red Top went smoothly.

Coach Stevens' and Shaw's eights took to the water at 11 o'clock in the morning and pulled over a six mile course. Several men had examinations but the daily schedule calls for reveille at 6.30 and between that hour and eight the men dress and breakfast. Examinations begin promptly at 8 o'clock, an hour and 15 minutes before those in Cambridge.

Study During Afternoon

During the afternoon the men rest or study, not taking the water again until 6 or 7 o'clock. This is also a six mile workout and is completed before sundown. Dinner begins at 8 o'clock and the men get only an hour after that till bedtime, which is 9.30.

Coach Shaw has made one change in his Red crew. Whitman, who was superceded by Shurtleff in the middle of last week, has again returned to the first Freshman eight at position three. The complete line-up of this crew is: stroke,--Rice; 7, Barry; 6, Browning; 5, Captain Platt; 4, Locke; 3, Whitman; 2, Farnham; bow, Pierce; cox., Travis.


Second Crew Leaves Tonight

The second university eight leaves for New London this evening and will begin rowing with Coach Stevens' university crew tomorrow morning. When this eight arrives, the Red Top delegation will be complete. The crew which leaves for Red Top tonight follows: Stroke, Gale; 7, J. P. Hubbard; 6, Macomber; 5, Johnson; 4, Darlington; 3, Barton; 2, Hoover; bow, Righter; cox., Heard.
