
Seniors Prepare to Make Farewell Bow to Harvard

Yard, Stadium, Chapel, and Sanders Theatre to be Scenes of Action

The Baccalaureate Sermon, and President Lowell's reception to the Senior Class and the Class of 1899 started yesterday a strenuous Commencement Week. Today the lighter activities will begin with the Senior Spread and Dance in Memorial Hall. Tickets for the dance may still be obtained at the offices of the Class Day Committee in Holworthy 2 at $4.50 each. The Spread will start at 9 and will last till 2.

The appointment of Philip Hunter Robb '25 of Boston as head usher has been announced by the Committee, and also Mrs. Matthew Luce and Mrs. William E. Crosby as the University Reception Committee.

Peabody to Give Sermon to Seniors

Tomorrow morning, the events of Class Day that will crowd one upon, the other will start with a service for Seniors at 9 o'clock in Appleton Chapel. The sermon will be delivered by Professor Francis G. Peabody, former dean at the Divinity School, and well-known author.

At 10.45, the class will assemble in front of Holworthy Hall to march to the exercises in Sanders Theatre. The service will open with a prayer offered by Dean Willard L. Sperry, which will be followed by the oration by Charlton MacVeagh '24, the poem by Oliver LaFarge '24, and the ode by R. D. Gerould '24. The singing during the exercises will be led by Stanley Noel Brown '24.


At 2 o'clock the Yard will be closed, only Seniors and those marching in the procession in the afternoon being admitted.

At 3.30, the graduates and the three lower classes will meet in front of Holworthy and Massachusetts Halls to march to the Stadium for the exercises.

The Yard will be illuminated by 7 o'clock, and at 8 the various private spreads will get under way, and the Glee Club will sing on the steps of Widener at 9. At 11, the Yard will be closed.

In case of rain, the program will be altered slightly. If the rain should cease during the course of the day, the regular program will be resumed. Notice of changes in schedule will be posted in Leavitt and Pierce's window. The program in case of a rainy day is as follows:

9 A. M. Seniors report at Appleton Chapel for the address by Professor Francis G. Peabody '69.

10.45 A. M. All Seniors report in the Trancept of Memorial Hall to march to Sanders Theatre in a body.

10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Music in New Lecture Hall admission on Yard tickets.

2 P. M. Gates will be closed and tickets required of all persons found in the Yard and all who enter thereafter.

2 P. M. Music in Memorial Hall, Sanders Theatre, and Fogg Lecture Room.

3.30 P. M. Seniors assemble in Sever if for the "Tree" exercises.

4 P. M. The Ivy Oration will be given in Sanders Theatre and New Lecture Hall. Rainly Day checks will be given preference for admission, but Stadium tickets will be used as far as possible. All Seniors report at Sanders Theatre.

6.45 to 11 P. M. Music in Squares Theatre and Fogg Lecture Room.

7.30 to 11 P. M. Music in New Lecture Hall.

8 to 11 P. M. Dancing in Memorial Hall and the Gymnasium.
