

One is tempted to agree with the slightly sanctimonious story in yesterday's Boston Herald, which spoke of Boston's great good fortune in being the scene this year of so many remarkable athletic events, when one reads of the results of the Olympic trials. The breaking of five world's records in a single afternoon, with an American record and an Olympic record thrown in for good measure, is probably unprecedented; and the University, with even more justice than Boston, may congratulate itself on its enviable part as host to such a gathering of celebrities, as well as the proud possessor of several.

Predictions of still more phenomenal performances this afternoon do not take into account the fact that more than occasionally, the best times of the finals do not equal the best of the preliminaries. But with such competition, it is unbelievable that no new records will be set up. And without undue adulation or glorification one is inclined to accept the general verdict that when this year's Olympic team reaches Paris, there will be few spare points for the Argentines, the Portuguese, and the Greeks.
