

Six Harvard Democratic Club Members Will Back Mock Convention's Ticket and Platform in New York City

Officers of the Harvard Democratic Club have appointed a committee to attend the Democratic Convention in New York City, and to present the Harvard platform as adopted at the recent mock convention here, for consideration by that body.

Harvard's own convention, held here May 13 and 14, resulted in the nomination on the seventh ballot of Senator Carter Glass of Virginia for president, and of Senator Thomas J. Walsh of Montana for vice-president. Accordingly C. P. Morehouse '25, president, J. H. Smith Jr. '25, vice-president and T. K. Shuff 2L., will leave shortly for New York to confer with Glass leaders there as to the possibility of securing a similar result like the National Convention. Meanwhile William Exton Jr. '26, who was chairman of the committee on platform and resolutions at the meeting here, R. H. Jackson '26, and E. W. Rovere '27, will lay the Harvard platform, adopted by a vote of 753 to 104, before the resolutions committee in New York.

Oppose Tax-Exempt-Securities

Leading planks in the Harvard Democratic platform are: Immediate entry in to the World Court, tariff for revenue only, reduction of armaments but maintenance of national defenses, maintenance of the capitulation's in Turkey, strict enforcement of the constitution. Increased aid for disabled veterans but not for healthy ones, and the abolition of tax-exempt-securities.
