


To sea, to sea! The calm is o'er;

The wanton water leaps in sport,

And rattles down the pebbly shore;

The Dolphin wholes, the sea cows snort,

And unseen mermaids' pearly song


Comes bubbling up the weeds among.

Fling broad the sail, dip deep the oar:

To sea, to sea. The calm is o'er.

These lines of Boddoes' strike the key-note of the Masefield anthology of sea-verse, "A Sailor's Geuland," which is to be reissued this week-by Macmillan.

For this collection Mr. Masefield has chosen from the English sea-poetry of all periods verses that deal with sailors and with life at sea, poems of mermaids and of the sea spirits, of love and the affections, of pirates and smugglers, as well as many old ballads and chantios.

"The Avalanche" is to be the title of Ernes Poole's forthcoming novel. It is the love story of Llewollyn Dorr, a young physician, and Dorothen Farragut, a New York girl who resolves when she accepts him to build up a great success for him. In the tale of their year of married life Mr. Poole presents with power the clash of the man's ideals and the woman's ambitions for him--the avalanche of success that overwhelmed their love.

"The Avalanche" will be published by Macmillan.
