New London, Conn., June 12.--The feature of today's rowing was a two-mile race this morning between the Second Crew and the Freshmen, in which the former won by one and three-quarters lengths. It was nip and tuck all the way and the whole camp, which turned out in a body to see the encounter from the launches and from automobiles along the bank, had plenty to watch.
The crews started even, both rowing about 34 to the minute. Then the excitement began. Coxswain Heard of the Junior eight called for a ten stroke sprint, and the yearlings responded with ten good ones. Heard, however, called for ten more, which put his crew a full length in the lead. The longer stroke of Coach Shaw enabled the Freshman to make up the distance--but the Seconds repeated their sprint and went into the lead again. These tactics won the race, every time the younger oarsmen came nearly even with his shell, Heard called, "Give her ten!". At the finish, with both crews putting their best into their sprints, the Seconds were pulling steadily away until they had increased the lead and showed three quarters of a length of open water. Peirce, rowing bow in the yearling boat, collapsed at the finish, so strenuous were his crews efforts to catch up. The Freshmen feel that given another chance they can beat the Seconds.
Be that as it may, the race has raised Crimson hopes, for the Freshmen on Cayuga made as good time as the Cornell eight, and the victorious Seconds have yet to match the strength of Harvard's first crew.
Tomorrow promises to be a busy day here, for the prow of the University shell will again be forced through the waters of the four-mile course, and in addition the postponed Waiters-Managers ball game will be played, with the probable score 23-2 for the Waiters.
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