

1924 Officers Plan Dinner for Guests Before Meeting in Union at 8--Entire Class to Assemble for Smoker Proper

It is the intention of the Senior Class to carry out the idea, inaugurated last year, of combining with the annual smoker, some opportunity for Seniors to learn of the relation they will bear to the University after graduation, and of the organization of reunions and Harvard Clubs. To this end, a list of prominent graduates who have been most closely connected with alumni activities, has been invited to attend, and some of them are expected to speak.

The actual date of the smoker, it was announced last night, has been fixed as next Tuesday, May 13. Not only will the Seniors be thus welcomed as future alumni by well-known graduates, but refreshments will be served, music and probably movies being also on the program. The Living Room of the Union will be the scene of the event, which will begin at 8 o'clock.

Former Secretaries Invited

President Lowell heads the list of those who have been invited to attend the smoker, and the complete list of speakers will be announced in the near future. Others who have been invited to be present are as follows: Dean C. N. Greenough '98, Professor J. L. Lowes A.M. '03, N. P. Hallowell '97, who is an Overseer and was marshal of the 25th anniversary of his class two years ago, L. P. Marvin '98, who is also an Overseer, holding last year the presidency of the Associated Harvard Clubs, B. L. Young '07, an Overseer and Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, W. C. Boyden '86, an Overseer who has been very closely connected with alumni movements, T. W. Slocum '90, president of the New York Harvard Club and an Overseer, E. A. Taft '04, secretary of the Boston Harvard Club, Arthur Adams '99, secretary of his class who will also be Chief Marshal at Commencement this spring, Malcolm Donald '99, First Marshal of his class, J. W. Hallowell '01, treasurer of the class of 1901, John Richardson '08, treasurer of the class of 1908, Leverett Saltonstall '14, secretary of his class and treasurer of the Alumni Association, J. W. D. Seymour '17, secretary of the Alumni Association, Delmar Leighton '19, and D. M. Little Jr. '18, members of the Associated-Harvard Clubs' Committee on Information to 'Undergraduates, and B. D. Nash '23, secretary of the class of 1923.

Before the smoker, a dinner will be given for these invited guests by the permanent officers of the Senior Class, with some of the Chairmen of Senior Class Committees. The speaking and festivities, however, will be carried on in the Living Room before the entire Senior Class.
