

"Talks Little", He Says, "and Does Nothing"--See Neither Leadership, Character Nor Unity in G. O. P.

"I don't want to see either rich or poor escape taxation," Mr. H. C. Pell '05 said last night, "but I want to see the pinch equally applied. Ninety percent of the corruption in American politics is the direct result of the rotten taxes and tariffs enforced by the Republicans. As a nation, we are now envied by all, liked by a few and hated by a few, but if we continue in our present policy as regards the tariff, we will be distrusted by all.

"There has been corruption before in American politics," Mr. Pell said, in speaking of the Teapot Dome Scandal, "but never has it been taken so complacently. President Coolidge has yet to express one word of indignation at those who betrayed his confidence and that of his predecessor. It is just that, that makes Calvin Coolidge impossible as a president, in the eyes of the thinking public. He talks little, and does nothing.

Republicans Impotent

"At present, I fall to see any leadership, character, or unity in the Republican party. If we are to beat them, we must have a constructive program, based on the fundamental principles that have made our party the oldest in the world since the Middle Ages. Above all, let us hold free speech and free thought. The only real political happiness in the world lies in freedom."

In discussing Prohibition, Mr. Pell committed himself, as he did in Congress against the Volstead Act. "Its faults lie in that it is applied to the poor and not to the rich and that it has no weight of public opinion behind it. If a burglar should walk through the Yard, you fellows would look on him with dislike and horror. But do you shun a bootlegger, when he breaks the law as much as the burglar does?"
