

Crimson Will Meet Powerful Southern Four in New York--Title Winner to Play Western Champions

Playing its first match of the outdoor intercollegiates at Fort Hamilton, Long Island, against a strong southern four from Virginia Military Institute, the University polo team will make its debut in official outdoor competition this afternoon, as a team representing the University.

Last year, a team representing the R. O. T. C. Unit in the University entered the outdoor Intercollegiates, and was defeated by a strong Norwich four 12 to 2. F. D. Stranahan Jr. '26 is the only member of that team who will face the Virginia outfit this afternoon.

Two Freshmen are in Line-up

Since its return from the week of practice at Pinehurst, where in an informal series it was defeated by both Yale and Princeton, the University team has made rapid progress. By placing two Freshmen, J. W. Tufts and R. A. Pinkerton in the line-up, Coach Clark believes that he has finally secured the most effective combination. Both of these men have had considerable previous experience, and have shown up exceptionally well in the practice at Dedham.

Many Colleges Enter Tournament


The tournament at Fort Hamilton promises to be one of the most successful in recent years, with teams entered from practically every college where polo is played. Among the strong fours which will play, are Yale, Princeton, Cornell, West Point, Norwich, and Pennsylvania Military College. The latter college, which like Harvard, is playing only its second year of polo, has furnished the sensation of the present season, trimming the champion Yale four in an early match of the indoor season, and losing by the margin of one goal to the Elis in a recent outdoor contest at Chester. Newton Wyman and Gerald Hafieigh are two of the best players to be seen in college polo this year.

To Hold East-West Championship

An interesting feature of the present tournament will be the five-game series between the winner of the Intercollegiates, and the University of Arizona, champions of the Southwest. This East-West series will commence May 25, and will be played on the field at Fort Hamilton.

A further item of interest attached to this contest, is the possibility of the championship United States college four journeying to English this summer to engage the best British College outfit in a series to decide the International Collegiate Championship. Definite arrangements for this match have not been announced, but it is understood negotiations are being made with this end in view.

The following men left for New York yesterday: Captain G. E. Kent '25, F. D. Stranahan Jr. '26, J. W. Tufts '27, R. A. Pinkerton '27. H. G. Pell '26 and R. T. Bunker '24 will be the substitutes.
