Although the Senior celebration at the close of the final Divisional Examination last year achieved the majestic proportions of a procession through the Yard behind a blaring brass band, extreme apathy for a concerted rejoicing was evidenced by this year's Senior class.
It must not be supposed that there was no celebration however, for the class of 1924 confined its efforts to individual expressions of joy, as its exhausted members trooped from the final Examination yesterday, in New Lecture Hall, to be revived at the street by a unidentified dispenser of good cheer.
The absence of a general celebration was due, it is understood, to the difficulty in securing a benefactor whose financial judgment had been sufficiently warped that the necessary funds were forthcoming. In this respect, the class of 1923 was more fortunate.
Enthusiasm ran riot throughout the Senior dormitories last night, and, according to another report, in that mecca of wearied book-worms, Revere Beach, Up to a late hour, however, no casualties had been reported and it inferred that Seniors will indulge in a well-earned sleep of long duration.
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