The final CRIMSON business competition of the year, open only to Freshmen, will begin tonight at 7 o'clock with a meeting of all candidates in the Business Office of the CRIMSON Building, 14 Plympton Street. H. N. Pratt '24, Business Manager of the CRIMSON, will explain the nature of the competition. Attendance at this first meeting will not bind a man to enter the competition, and anyone who is interested is urged to come to the meeting whether he intends to enter this competition or not.
The work will consist of soliciting advertising and new accounts, together with a certain number of stenographic and office duties. The competition will give the candidates an excellent opportunity to become acquainted with modern advertising and business methods, and will afford them a thorough training for any business career. No previous experience along business lines is required. The competition will bring candidates into contact not only with upperclassmen but also with business men in and near Boston, among whose an acquaintanceship may be formed that will prove to be of benefit in later life.
The work will be made less exacting during the final examination period and no work will be required during the summer vacation. The competition will continue for about six weeks in the fall, making approximately 11 weeks in all.
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