

Stiff Competition Expected Tomorrow in Intercollegiate Tryouts--Farrell Enters 30 Crimson Athletes

The Harvard Stadium will be the scene of some of the most spirited track races of the year tomorrow afternoon when over 400 star athletes from the leading college track teams of the East and of the Pacific Coast meet in the preliminary races at the 48th annual field meeting of the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of America.

The trials will start at 2.30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Already several thousand tickets have been sold at the H. A. A. ticket offices, and it is expected that when the first starting gun is fired tomorrow, a crowd of fully 5000 will be present to watch the athletes from 31 different colleges struggle to qualify in the preliminaries for the championship races on Saturday afternoon.

Many Colleges Represented

Of these 31 colleges, those that will put up the strongest fight for first honors are Penn, Yale, Princeton, Boston College, and the three Pacific Coast teams--Leland Stanford, University of California, and California which last has captured the Intercollegiate title for three successive years.

University Has 30 Entries


Thirty men from the University track squad will enter the trials tomorrow, it was learned last night. Of these, the men who seem most likely to quali- fy for Saturday's races are Watters, who will run the half, as there will be no trials for the mile; Kane in the 440; Kernan in the javelin; Carpenter as a discus thrower; Fletcher in either the high or the low hurdles; Eastman in the shotput, and Hyatt in either the high jump or the broad jump, or both. Tibbetts and Cutcheon, both of whom are likely Crimson scoring prospects on Saturday, will not run tomorrow, as there will be no heats run for the two mile race.

Both the mile and the two mile runs are to take place on Saturday, without preliminaries, and it is expected that a field of over 30 runners will crowd the start of each race. In the remaining 13 events, only those men who qualify tomorrow will compete on Saturday. The number of qualifications in the several events varies from six in the field events to 14 in the dashes.

There is a general feeling around the Locker Building that the University athletes will be able to annex upwards of 20 points in the finals on Saturday. Watters is counted on to annex five points in the half mile. He will be out against a tough field,--Masters of Georgetown. Higgias of Holy Cross, Hellfrich and Euck of Penn State, and Leh of Princeton. All these men have turned in remarkable performances during the past season, but Watters' exhibition in the Princeton meet three weeks ago, when he turned in a 1.55 1-5 half with little effort, mark him as the most likely man to break the tape on Saturday.

If there is the slightest chance of the University's placing high enough among the scorers on Saturday, it-is also probable that Coach Farrell will repeat Watters in the mile run, in which he is also entered, and in this event it is hoped that he will earn at least four more points for the Crimson total
