

Cushman, Allen, and Howe Reelected to Committee--Chase New 1925 Member While Field Will Represent 1927

Announcement of the results of the election of Union officers for the coming year was made last night by C. P. Fordyce '23, graduate manager of the Union. Balloting began more than a week ago on the occasion of the annual spring dinner, and continued until two days ago.

The count, which was announced last night, resulted in the election of Edward George Lowry '25 of Washington, D. C., as Vice-President. The fight between him and G. P. Baker '25 was exceedingly close, Lowry, winning by the narrow margin of ten votes.

Vice-President Election Closest

The majorities in the election of the class committees was in no case as close as in that of the Vice-President. Cushman, Allen, and Howe were all reelected, having been on the committee last year.

The following men will assume their responsibilities as members of the class committees next fall: Philip Wigglesworth Chase '25 of Milton; John Gedney Cushman '35 of Montclair, N. J.; Robert Gray Allen '26 of Andover; Nathaniel Saltonstall Howe '26, of New York; Frederick Vanderbilt Field '27 of Lenox.


The exact figures on the results of the balloting were not made public.
