

From the Aesop's Fable Cartoon to Lady Acrobat and Strong-arm Partner, Bill Proves Unexpectedly Diverting

We had just about forgotten that vaudeville is a form of entertainment, and had become almost content with going to the Copley once in a long while and reading the New York criticisms between-vacations. But there seems to have been a lot of publicity for vaudeville lately--a big article all about the Industry in the Satevepost; the notorious Heywood Broun recently driven to the wall by his own contribs and forced to admit that some vaudeville is pretty good; and that story about the lady in the hospital who, on realizing she had missed a whole bill at Keith's, flew into such a state of nerves she had to stay another week--so, really, we thought, there may be something in it after all.

Bill Thoroughly Entertaining

There was. We enjoyed the bill so much we even neglected to feel impatient for Ted Lewis to come on. From the Aesop's Fable cartoon (which is our favorite form of movie) to the lady who achieved incredible slow-motion acrobatic tricks with her strong-arm partner, this bill kept us thoroughly entertained. Truly, the acrobatic lady, we think, is truly fortunate in having chosen a profession which keeps in trim her beautiful figure. The trick bicycle riders who opened the show broke the ground very nicely for King and Beatty, who did a Bullard and Cogan at the piano, and after that Bird Millman, the Little Queen of the Wire, performed her clothes-line classic, throwing in slow-movies of herself and a bit of song for good measure. Then there were a couple of skits, one about married life and the other about love--very entertaining, particularly the latter, a scene at the Out-of-Town Newsstand in Times Square, which the traveling man in the next seat assured us hadn't got over at all in Kansas City last week.

Lewis' Jazzed Pathos Heartrending

Well, Ted Lewis, the High-Hatted Tragedian of Song and his Jazzical Clowns finally came on, and we were doubly glad we had come. Who can describe the heart-rending pathos in Lewis's brand of jazz? My roommate, who has just taken Music Divisionals, says that the pianissimo Ted gets out of his brass could show the symphony people something. The Tragedian and the Clowns were running true to form last night, and even encored with Sally in our Alley and When My Baby Smiles at Me; when a Comedy Relief was brought in, like, we almost said, the drunken porter in Macbeth. But the porter is a gentleman of refinement compared with this pudgy person with the pearl derby and the dancing hips. However, by shutting our eyes and listening to the music, we managed to enjoy this part, and soon the acrobatic lady came on and we recovered our mental poise.


But we are now convinced that good vaudeville is not so bad, and feel rather ashamed that we neglected the Keith part of our education so long
