

Will Take in Members Next Fall--Not to Limit Itself to Any One Radical Party on Sect

At a meeting, held last night in one of the rooms in Randolph Hall, of a group of students interested in the formation of the Left Wing it was definitely decided to organize a membership campaign early next fall. A meeting will be called during the first week and all those who attend it will become charter members. Subsequent applicants for membership will be enrolled only on the payment of a small fee.

The purpose of the Left Wing, it was explained, is to encourage undergraduates, not to shrink from radicalism as such, but rather through frequent discussions to comprehend the various forms it has taken and, perhaps, work out more satisfactory solutions. Unlike the political clubs now existing in the University, the Left Wing will have no definite platforms or policies, but will be one in which all schemes, particularly radical ones, will be expounded, discussed, and revised.

Another suggestion forwarded last night was to have prominent radicals all over the world write special articles to be read at the meetings as a basis for discussion, and if the interest and membership warrant, radical speakers will be invited to lecture.
