Men wishing to attend the Silver Bay Student Conference to be held this year, June 12-20, may still apply at the Phillips Brooks House. Application should be made at once, but the last date for registration has been extended and will be Wednesday, May 28, at which time the registration fees must be sent to New York. Anyone not registered by this time cannot be assured a room with his delegation; but in case of absolute necessity the fee will be refunded.
Although the final list of speakers has not been announced, the following men have definitely been procured; E. C. Carter '00, Bernard Clause, Henry S. Coffin '00, Bruce Curry, G. Sherwood Eddy, Kenneth Labourette, Raymond Petty, David R. Porter, J. Henry Soattergood, A. D. Sheffield '96, Fred B. Smith, Norman Thomas, H. H. Tweedr. Opportunity for individual conferences with any of these men will also be provided.
The Silver Bay conference is open to all men in the University. Last year the University delegation consisted of about thirty men and an equally large representation is expected this year. There is to be considered foreign delegation present this summer under the euapices of the Foreign Student committee. These men will be exempted from the registration fee, and will be given special rates for board and transportation expenses. The regular expense of attending the conference, including board, room, registration fee, and railroad fare will be about $40 though in cases where men can not afford to pay the entire sum, arrangement may be made at the Phillips Books House. The conference will be made up of representative students from most of the colleges of the New England and Middle Atlantic states, and is a most broadening experience.
Silver Bay, situated on Lake George in the heart of the Adirondaks, is one of the most picturesque spots in America.
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