

Combs Receives Vice-Presidency and Sprague and Best Become Secretary and Treasurer--New Men Elected

At a meeting held yesterday, the Pierian Sodality of 1808, the University orchestra and the oldest university orchestra in the country, elected the five officers who will guide the society through its 1924-25 season, and eight new members.

The list of next year's officers reads as follows" President, Paul Whitcomb Williams '25 of New Bedford; vice-president, James Leland Combs of Long Beach, California; secretary, Waldo Chamberlain Sprague '25 of Wollaston; treasurer, Albert Leonard Best 3E. S. of Evanston, Illinois; manager, Robert Paul Eckert Jr. '25 of Freeport, Illinois.

New Men Elected

The following men were elected to membership in the Sodality; Dexter Selden Paine '25 of Brookline; Lee Osher Combs '26 of Long Beach, California; Donald Coats Gates '26 of New York City; Robert Thornton Smith of Saco, Maine; Benjamin Brewster 2ES, of Dedham; John Warren Knedler Jr. '24 of Moscow, Pennsylvania; David Waller Bakeless '26 of Bloomer, Pennsylvania; and Randolph Piper, '27 of Lexington.

The Pierian Sodality has just returned from a trip to New York on Friday and Saturday, May 16 and 17, where its concert in Aeolian Hall under the leadership of Walter Piston '24, was halled by the critics with applause.


Similar Program for 1924-25

The program for the Pierian Sodality for 1924-25 includes a similar New York concert. Aeolian Hall has already been engaged for this purpose. In addition, next year's schedule contains a generous, list of concent engagements in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, scheduled during the spring recess preceding their New York excursion.
