

Liberal Club Will Work to Make Up a Student Delegation--Many Prominent Speakers Have Been Secured.

Work to secure a Harvard delegation to the summer colony of college students at Woodstock, New York, will be taken up by the Harvard Liberal Club in the near future according to an announcement made last night. The personnel of the committee will be made public in the near future.

This colony of college students at Woodstock will enter upon its second season next July. The purpose of the colony is to offer opportunity for a frank discussion of the most obvious and recurring dilemmas of modern civilization. It is run under the suspires of the National Student Forum, of which the Harvard Lib earl Club is a branch.

Among the group of prominent men who have been secured to speak are Dr. Stephen P. Duggan, Director of the Insinuate of International Education; Rev. John Haynes Holmes 02, rector of Community Church, New York, and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of Free Synagogue, New York.

A feature of the program at the conference consists of determining the student interpretation of some dominating personalities whose philosophy and teachings remain as effective forces in modern cultural movements. It is likely that Bertrand Russell, Tolstoi Ibsen Ghandi' and ' Nietsche will be decided on finally.

Complete details about the Conference may be obtained at the Liberal Club at 66 Winthrop Street.
