

Tibbetts, Watters and Cutcheon Lead Their Events--Clean Sweeps in Low Hurdles and Broad Jump

A record discus throw which shattered the University record and bettered the intercollegiate mark,--Carpenter's 152-foot heave,--was the sensation of yesterday's University track meet in which Harvard defeated the Virginia trackmen by an easy margin of 82 to 44 in the first stadium event of the season.

The meet was as well as over when the announcement came of Carpenter's record-breaking toss. The running events were long since over, and the crowd of 2000 which had assembled to watch the events within the stadium had started to dwindle away when Announcer Edward Morris called out in stentorian tones, "Event No. 18, the discus throw,--won by C. C. Carpenter, Harvard. Distance 152 feet, two and one-half inches."

Crowd Unappreciative

The crowd applauded but the full significance of Carpenter's throw was comprehended by few of them. Discus records are little-known figures and it takes a long search through the track archives to discover that Carpenter had broken the University record by nearly 20 feet and the intercollegiate record by over ten.

But those are the facts. In the intercollegiate track meet of 1922 the record throw was made by Hartranft of Leland Stanford for 140 feet 1-8 inch. 12 feet under Carpenter's throw. And the best heave on the University records is that made by Carpenter himself in the dual meet with Yale last spring for a flat 135 feet. The only records which Carpenter failed to better were the world's record, and the mark of 155 feet 2 inches established in 1916 by A. W. Mucks of the University of Wisconsin as the best American throw on record.


Castleman Double Winner

Aside from Carpenter's phenomenal discus heave, the remainder of the meet was run off much as had been predicted Castleman. Virginia's star sprinter, won both the 100 and 220-yard dashes according to predictions. Bohaunon, the dazzling anchor man on Virginia's championship one-mile relay team at the Penn Relays last week, sprinted his way in the SSO to a 51 second victory over Allen of Harvard on a heavy track. In the remaining events, the Crimson's superior all round ability gave them 10 first places and a majority of the seconds and thirds on a program which included but 14 events, the hammer having been omitted at the request of the Virginians.

The climax of the track events was expected to came in the quarter mile race in which Allen and Kane of the Crimson mile relay team were slated to run against Bohaunon and Talbott of the championship Virginia quarter. At the Penn Relays last week, Bohannon had been timed unofficially for a quarter and it was hoped that he would repeat this performance yesterday. A hard wind and a wet track, however, made it impossible to run the race in less than 51 seconds. Yet it was a hard battle all the way around the track. Allen took the lead and kept it until he was within 20 yards of the finish when Bohannon and Talbot, both of whom had been sticking close at his heels, unleashed a whirlwind sprint which shoved Allen into a close third place at the finish.

Crimson Sweeps Distances

In the remaining longer runs, Coach Farrell's men proved completely superior to the southerners. In the 880 yards run, Watters completely outgeneraled Irvine, Virginia's best bet in the half mile, and so wore out the tall southerner with his constant passing and repassing, that he tied up completely, in the last stretch and dropped back to third place at the finish behind Watters and Kobes of Harvard.

Tibbetts also ran a masterly race in the two-mile, taking the lead of the long field of runners whenever he wanted it, and finally, in the last lap, uncorking a sprint which brought him around the last curve at a 440 clip and brought him to the tape 40 yards ahead of Rosenburgh, the Virginia runner, who had seemed to be pressing him earlier in the race.

Other features in the meet were Cutcheon's 4.29 3-5 victory in the mile; Kernan's 178 feet javelin toss which outdid by 2 feet Greenidge's throw at Philadelphis last week, and the Crimson's clean sweeps in the broad jump and the low hurdles.

The summary:

100-Yard Dash. Won by Castleman (V); second, Robb (H); third, Cornick (V). Time, 10

220-Yard Dash. Won by Castleman (V); second, Robb (H); third, Bohannon (V). Time, 23 2-5s.

440-Yard Run--Won by Bohannon (V); second, Talbot (V); third, Allen (H). Time, 51s.

880-Yard Run. Won by Watters (H); second, Kobes (R); third, Irvine (V). Time, 1m. 59s.

Mile Run. Won by Cutcheon (H); second, Goward (V); third, Coburn (H). Time, 4m. 29 2-5s.

Two-Mile Run. Won by Tibbetts H; second, Rosenburgh (V); third, Ryan (H). Time, 10m. 3 2-5s.

120-Yard High Hurdles. Won by Fletcher (H); second, Thomas (H); third, Darby (V). Time, 16 2-5s.

220-Yard Low Hurdles--Won by Fletcher (H); second, Kane (H); third, Thomas (H). Time, 24 1-5s.

Shot Put. Won by Eastman (H); second, Dunker (H); third, Winston (V). Distance, 44ft. 9in.

High Jump.--Won by Hyatt (H); second, Stabler (V); tie for third between Abbot (H), Gerould (H), Hemminger (H), Jenney (H). Height, 5ft. 9in.

Pole Vault.--Won by Lambert (V); tie for second by Combs (H) and Reidy (H). Height, 11ft. 6in.

Broad Jump.--Won by Hyatt (H); second, Quirk (H); third, Neiman (B). Distance, 21ft. 7in.

Javelin Throw.--Won by Kernan (H); second, Davis (V); third, Greenidge (V). Distance, 178ft. 4in.

Discus Throw.--Won by Carpenter (H); second, Winston (V); third, Davis (V). Distance, 152ft. 2 1-2in.BREAKS INTERCOLLEGIATE MARK C. C. CARPENTER '24
