After having been twice postponed by rain, eight events of the spring Freshman interdormitory track meet were run off on the Freshman track yesterday afternoon resulting in a 30 point victory for Smith, while Standish beat Gore out of second place by a 22-20 margin.
The remaining events of the meet, which include the hurdles and all the field events except the hammer, shot, and pole vault, will be run off tomorrow at 2.30 o'clock.
The summary:
100-Yards Dash.--Won by Lundell (Smith); 2nd, Sears (Standish); 3rd, Dorn (Standish); Time, 10 1-5s.
440-Yards Dash.--Won by Malick (Gore); 2nd, Wright (Gore); 3rd, Savage (Smith), Time, 53a.
880-Yards Run.--Won by Wakefield (Smith); 2nd, Ryan (Standish); 3rd Sanderson (Standish). Time 2m. 18 4-5s.
Three-Quarters Mile Run.--Won by Haggerty (Smith); 2nd, MacMakin (Standish); 3rd, Swede, (Smith). Time, 3m. 17 2-5s.
One and One Half Miles Run.--Won by Symthe (Standish); 2nd, Gordon (Gore); 3rd, Pierce (Gore). Time 7m. 38s.
Shot Put (16 lbs.)--Won by Miller (Smith); 2nd, Kilgour (Smith); 3rd, Riordan (Gore), Distance, 33 ft. 8 in.
Hammer throw (16 lbs.)--Won by Kilgour (Smith); Lemmon (Gore), 3rd, Mills (Sandish). Distance, 125 ft. 10 1-2s.
Pole Vault.--Won by Souther (Standish); 2nd, tie between Thomas (Gore) and Williams (Gore. Height, 9 ft.
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