With the Yale-Princeton track meet now a thing of the past, speculation is already beginning to run rife as to the outcome of Harvard's meet with Princeton next Saturday, and with Yale in the Stadium on the following week end.
Several interested representatives of the University track team were in the stands at the Yale track on Saturday to watch the Elis hand the Princeton track team an 81-54 beating, and draw therefrom their own conclusions as to the relative strength of the two teams. In this little group were assistant coach Tesohner, assistant coach Hardwood, Manager A. C. Bickferd '24 and assistant manager Brooks White house '25, as well as several members of the track advisory committee.
Observers Uncommunicative
The members of this group were loath to give any concrete statement of the conclusions which they had drawn as to Harvard's track chances after seeing the Yale and Princeton track stars in action. But the general concensus of opining seems to be that Harvard has an outside chance of beating Yale on the following Saturday.
On paper Princeton has a slight advantage, and Yale a considerable one. One ardent track follower who has already run both meets through with his pad and pencil, declares that the final score of the Harvard-Princeton meet will result in a 69-36 victory for the Tigers; while the Yale track men will have the substantial margin of 88-37.
All Dope may Be Upset
But it must be remembered that track meets are run on the track and not on paper. Comparative scores, and times, and distances are always misleading. And in this case they are particularly so as the Yale and Princeton track teams have both had an opportunity to perform on de-tracks under favorable conditions with regard to sun and wind, while Harvard's two meets with Virginia and M. I. T. have both been run off on a soggy track with a cold wind blowing. This has of course, resulted in times and distances which compare unfavorably on paper with the records of the other two teams.
The University track coaches and track men have not by any means given up either meet as a foregone conclusion. There is a remarkable spirit of enthusiasm and determination being shown at the Stadium each day in track practice. Harvard track men have not forgotten by any means the inspiring story of Coach Bingham's last track team, which entered the Yale meet in 1922 foredoomed to complete defeat, and then, in a meet where nearly every man outdid his best previous performance, turned that defeat into the first Harvard victory since 1915, with a final score of 70 13-15 to 64 2-15. They have not forgotten and it would not be surprising to see a repetition of that famous meet once, or perhaps twice, this year.
Nine Firsts for Princeton
But leaving such considerations to one side and considering the three teams solely on the merits of their past performances, it would seem that Princeton is in a position to capture at least nine on the 15 first places, in the three dashes, both hurdles, the pole vault, hammer, shot and broad jump. Yale, too seems assured of nine gold medals, and in eight of the same events in which lies Princeton's strength, substituting the javelin for the shot put as the ninth. Yale's greater scoring strength lies in the greater number of her man who are able to follow up their first place winners and grab the second places as well as the first.
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