There was a show of hands; the Mayor decided in favor the honorable Samuel Slumkey, of Slumkey Hall. Horatio Fizkin, of Fizkin Lodge, demanded a poll, and a poll was fixed accordingly."
When the usually staid, not to say austere interior of the New Lecture Hall is transformed this evening by flags and banners into a miniature of Madison Square Garden a few weeks hence, the scene will bear a distinct resemblance to the town of Eatanswill, where Mr. Pickwick and his friends beheld a Parlimentary election.
"This contest excites great interest in the metropolis, sir?" inquired Mr. Pott.
"I believe it does, said Mr. Pickwich." Here the analogy falls down; for although, contrary to Mr. Pickwick's belief, London was not concerned with Eatons will, the Demorcratic convention at the University will in all probability attract a great deal of attention in the world of national politics. The questions which have been tormenting party leaders for the last six months and graying the hair of managers of countless dark horses, favorite sons, and white hopes will be brought out into the open for a brief unofficial but illuminating airing.
When the last plank in the platform has been nailed down, and the successful candidate has been forwarded a telegram of congratulation signed by the mock electorate in too, the nights' rest of these harassed statesmen should be slightly more recuperative than it has in the past. Although the decision of this Convention on Governor Smith's chances of carrying the arid west and the possibility of Mr. McAdoo's removing enough oil stains to be presentable will have no effect on the actions of the real Convention, it will provide a sort of search light with which acute minds way see a little farther into the future, which is at present concealed in a thunderstorms July haze.
"They went in a body to the Poll: and when they returned, the honorable Samuel Slumkey of Slumkey Hall, was returned also".
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