

Undergraduate Committee to be Elected--Lowry and Baker Will Run for 1925 Vice-Presidency

The nominations forth Vice-Presidency and the Under-graduate Committee of the Union were announced last night. They were ratified by the Student Council after having been proposed by the present Under-graduate Committee, and voting will begin next Monday at the annual dinner, when a ballot will be placed beside each plate. It will continue for several days after, only members of the Union being eligible to vote. Ballots must be signed and turned in at the news-stand.

One man will be elected from the two nominations for Vice-president. Of those for the Undergraduate Committee, two Juniors, two Sophomores, and one Freshman will be elected. The nominations follow in full:

For Vice-president, Edward George Lowry Jr. '25, of Washington D. C., and George Pierce Baker Jr. '25, of Cambridge. For the Undergraduate Committee, John Gedney Cushman, '25, of Montelair, N. J.: Philip Wiggles worth Chase '25, of Milton; Howard Parker Sharp '25, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Walter Dumeaux, Edmonds Jr. '26, of New York, N. Y.; Robert Gary Allen '26. of Andover; Nathaniel Saltonstall Howe '26, of New York, N. Y.; William Ichabod Nichols '26, of Wilton, Conn.; Bradley Frisk '26, of Buffalo, N. Y.; Frederick Vanderbilt Field '27, of New York, N. Y.; George Higginson Jr. '27, of Boston.
