

Crimson Star Will Renew Rivalry of Week Age With Virginia Captain--100-Yard Dash to Provide Thrills

An early season meet in which Harvard is expected to be an easy winner--that is the verdict on this afternoon's track meet between Harvard and Virginia in the Stadium at 4 o'clock.

And yet a large number of spectators is expected to crowd the sections in the bowl of the stadium this afternoon. Mr. C. F. Getchell, of the H. A. A. ticket, offices, reports that he has already received, a surprising number of applications for tickets to the meet. In addition, when the gates at Soldiers Field open this afternoon he expects to find large numbers of outsiders buying rush seats at the gates and undergraduates making use of the slips in their season ticket books. The total attendance he estimates at from 1500 to 2000.

440 Proves Big Attraction

And the reason for this record attendance at an early season meet is due to the interest aroused in one event,--the 440 yards dash. In this event the two headline performers will be Allen of Harvard and Captain Bohannon of Virginia.

One week ago these two sensational quarter milers met in the final leg of the one mile relay championship at the Penn Relay Carnival on Franklin Field, Philadelphia. Bohannon, starting the final lap with a considerable lead, seized the baton and raced around the track in a remarkable dash which was unofficially clocked at 48 3-5 seconds, winning for his team the one mile championship, and for himself sudden fame as a quarter miler. Allen was far behind when at last the Harvard stick was handed to him, but he ran a sensational losing race, completing the circuit in 49 4-5 seconds.


Comsequently when the two quarter-milers meet on the stadium track this afternoon they will have an old fend to settle between them. And although Bohannon is slated too win, track enthusiasts are ensured of a race which will be equal of any intercollegiate dash in the country when the two rivals meet. The time is expected to nick 40 seconds. Subordinate parts in this quarter mile drama will be played by Talbot of Virginia and Kane of Harvard, both of whom ran in the mile relay at Philadelphia last week.

The other high spot of the meet will come in the 100 yard dash when Castleman of Virginia will race against the Crimson's best sprinters, Howard, Robb, Broome and Captain Merrill. Castleman's time for this distance is a consistent 10 1-5 seconds. Howard has equalled this time on occasions, but the Virginia sprinter is generally conceded a superiority in this event which will probably bring him a first place this afternoon.

Little Doubt Elsewhere

In all the remaining events, the Crimson has a substantial edge over the southern trackmen. Watters is expected to whirl away with the half mile race in a time of 1.56 or so. Tibbetts, whose individual time in the four mile relay at Franklin Field last week was unofficially timed at from 4.21 to 4.24 for his mile, appears unbeatable over this distance. To Cutcheon, another member of the University's championship for mile relay team, will fall the two mile distance, in which he appears an easy victor.

In the hurdles, Kane has been entered for the low hurdles race, and James Combs, now practically recovered from his recent lacrosse injuries, will compete in both the high and low hurdle races.

Crimson Strong in Field

Coach Farrell's men also appear to have a consistent advantage in the field events. Hyath may be counted on for excellent performance in the broad and high jumps: Lee Combs is the outstanding Crimson pole vaulter: and in the weight events, Harvard has three medal winners in the Pena Relay Carnival. Eastman in the shot, Carpenter in the discus, an Greenidge in the Javelin who will be opposed by Virginia's solitary weight man. Winston, who will try his hand in all three events.

The Virginia squad of 21 will arrive in Boston this morning by the New York boat. The Harvard squad of 73 which has been entered by Coach Farrell outnumbers the Virginians three to one, as the Crimson coaches wish to try out as many of their inexperienced men as is possible

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