A 6 to 2 victory over Cushing Academy yesterday afternoon was largely the result of Coach Davidson's changes in the line-up. The infield showed a decided improvement in defensive work over last week and the whole team showed a power yesterday that left the issue of the game never in doubt.
To the air-tight pitching of Booth must go a large share of the credit for the victory. He turned the school boys back with five hits and two walks after he had struck out eleven of their number. He kept himself out of trouble until the last inning, when a miscue of Ellison's opened the way for the two Cushing runs. In the meanwhile, Ullman and Howard had been celebrating their first game by crashing frequent and timely bingles, and the 1927 nine had a six run lead when the little ninth inning trouble robbed Booth of the shut-out he would otherwise have had.
Booth Functions Smoothly
Booth fanned two of the Cushing batsmen in the first frame, but game one of his few hits when McGrath singled into right field. The Freshmen were equally impotent in their half of the inning, but in the second, they began in earnest. Ellison walked, advanced to third when Morris; the schoolboy second-baseman, bungled Bailey's fast grounder, and scored on Hamlen's long sacrifice fly to center field. A moment later, Urruela, the Cushing catcher, let one of Bird's deliveries slip by him and Bailey crossed the plate with the second run.
Ullman and Howard Shine
Not content with this, Ullman and Howard, the two players who were under the probation ban until yesterday, and whose playing did much to bolster the team, won the game in the next inning. Ullman singled through short stop. Howard connected with the first ball that Bird offered for a phenomenal home run, right into the wind and rods beyond the center-fielder. It was a tremendous blow and sewed up the game for the 1927 nine.
For three innings in succession after this, Booth turned back the visitors in one, two, three order. He had complete control of the situation and a spectular one-handed catch by Ullman helped keep his record spotless.
Bennett, who led the team in batting yesterday, poled out a triple in the fifth that was wasted. The Freshmen continued to fill the bases every inning but the base hits came at the wrong moments.
In the last inning a base on balls and a single preceding Ellison's error, saved the Cushing team from a shut-out. The ball rolled under the grandstand and two men had tallied before it was retrieved. Booth tightened up and the next three men went out in order.