


The Jacob Wertheim Research Fellowship, available this year for the first time, was awarded to John David Houser of San Francisco, a graduate of Leland Stanford University according to an announcement made yesterday. Mr. Houser's research work will be on the Business Executive and Industrial Relations, and will be carried on during the academic year 1924-25.

The purpose of the Jacob Wertheim Research Fellowship is to foster better relations between capital and labor. The committee administering the fellowship consists of Professor F. W. Taussig '79, chairman, Professor M. T. Copeland '07, and Dr. Niles Carpenter, secretary.

Among the appointments announced yesterday was that of Dr. Alfred Chester Hanford as Director of the Summer School for 1925. Dr. Hanford, who is now acting as chairman of the board of tutors in the division of History, Government and Economics during the absence of Professor H. H. Burbank '15, succeeds Professor J. T. Murray '99.

D. H. Linder 3G, of Canton, and C. W. T. Penland G. '22, have been appointed Austin Teaching Fellows in botany. Mr. Linder is at present Frederick Sheldon Travelling Fellow at Georgetown, British Gulana, this year, and Mr. Penland is teaching at the University of Colorado.

Dean Greenough Gets Leave


Leave of absence has been granted to Professor C. N. Greenough '98, Dean of the College, for the second half of 1924-25. A leave of absence has also been granted to two professors in the German department, Professor J. A. Walz '95, who plans to study in Sweden and Germany, and to Professor F. W. C. Lieder '07, who will do research work in European libraries.

Dr. Niles Carpenter has resigned as instructor in social ethics to take effect September 1. Dr. Carpenter will become head of the Sociology Department, and Professor of Sociology in the University of Buffalo.

The David A. Wells Prize of $500, in Economics for the best thesis embodying the results of original investigation, has been awarded to William Berridge '14 of East Lynn.
