

But President Coolidge's Selection of a Fellow Alumnus Was Not Bad Taste-Merely Aids Cooperation

"Any comment I could make would be a very favorable one", said Professor John MacArthur Maguire '11, Professor, of Law, commenting on President Coolidge's selection of Harlan Fiske Stone as Attorney General of the United States. "I feel certain that all the Law School professors would agree with me in saying that the appointment is an excellent one."

Dean Stone, whose resignation as Dean of the Columbia Law School takes effect at the end of the present college year, is a member of the law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell of New York City. "He is a man of great integrity and ability," Professor Maguire continued, "And ranks among the highest in the American Bar. I think that the fact that President Coolidge chose a second member of the cabinet from New York State is of little consequence. Dean Stone is undoubtedly the best man for the position."

The CRIMSON reporter asked Professor Maquire if he considered it bad taste for the president to have selected a man who was but a class ahead of him at Amherst. "Not at all," he answered. "It is always the case that men who know each other personally work together better. This was illustrated in the Department of Justice before the war, which was almost entirely composed of Harvard men, because, knowing each other, they got on well together."
