"I was not a part of the official investigating Committee which visited the performance of 'Sophie' at Peabody Playhouse on Monday night and voiced their disapproval of what they considered objectionable features in the play", said Mayor Quinn of Cambridge when interviewed by a CRIMSON reporter in his office at city hall yesterday.
"I went there through an invitation I had received after attending a dinner in Boston, and arriving late, I did not even sit with Mayor Curley and his party. I had no voice in the decision that censored certain features in 'Sophie' as undesirable."
The statement of Mayor Quinn followed the report that Mayor Curley, Mayor Quinn, Chief Justice Wilbur Bolster, Police Commissioner Herbert Wilson, and Censor Casey had visited the second performance of "Sophie" following several complaints at city hall, and had decided that all profanity and several objectional lines must be removed. Mr. Edward Massey '15 is a prominent member of the cast of "Sophie" and is also coach of the forthcoming production of the Dramatic Club play "The Makropolus Secret." Other members of the Harvard Dramatic Club and the 47 Workshop also figure prominently in the Stage Guild production.
Questioned as to the plan for censorship employed in Cambridge. Mayor Quinn said "We have no regular Board of Censors in Cambridge, the oversight of production staged here being under the general direction of the Lieutenant of Police. We don't go around looking for objectionable features in plays, but investigate thoroughly any reports that come to our attention."
In commenting on the possibility of the Dramatic Club production being subjected to a rigorous censorship, Mayor Quinn said "At present we have heard of nothing that will demand our interference. I do not expect that there will be anything objectionable in their plays at least, I hope not!"
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