

Chapin, Tibbetts, Cutcheon, Watters Form High-Calibre Combination--Mile Quarter Meets Old Yale Rivals

Philadelphia, April 25.--Coach Farrell's final decision to withdraw his runners from the medley sprint relay at the Penn Relay Carnival today was reached this afternoon shortly before the race began. As a result of this withdrawal the Crimson's only contender in the first-day events was Berglund, the Sophomore hammer thrower, whose heaves in competition today could not win him a place against the veterans who opposed him from Yale, Princeton, and Penn State.

Tomorrow is the day when the remaining Crimson athletes will make their try for the coveted Penn Relay medals. Of the eight events in which the University will be represented, interest most naturally centers around the championship one-mile and four-mile relays.

In the mile relay Harvard will have the first opportunity to avenge its hair line liefeat received at the hand of the Yale quartermilers in record time at the indoor intercollegiates in New York this winter.

Harvard will be considerably handicapped in the four-mile race where it has drawn a back seat in tenth place. But in Chapin, Tibbetts, Cutcheon, and Watters, Coach Farrell has four milers who are capable of a 4.30 mile and less which may prove sufficient to beat the crack B. C. milers to the tape.

As the Crimson squad left for New York on Friday, two additions were made to the group of competitors in the open events, Fletcher in the hurdles and Dunker in the shot put. Six other Crimson athletes will compete in the field events.
